Monday 8 July 2013

who am i poem

who am i

I am very obsessed with a ring
I wonder about playing games
I hear the ring calling me
I see the world like a game
I want the ring forever
I am very obsessed with a ring

I pretend that there is someone there when its my bad side
I feel sad with my bad side
I touch fish to eat
I worry about losing  the ring
I cry about losing the ring
I am very obsessed with a ring

I understand that the ring makes me invisible to enemies except sauron
I say my precocious a lot
I dream that i will get the ring
I try to find the ring
I hope i will never lose the ring the lava of sauron's tower

I am very obsessed with a ring

storm breaker excitement graph

In p4 we have a been reading a book called storm breaker and we finished the book so we watched the movie and this my excitement level every ten minutes